VoiceThread Certified Educator Course Info

We invite you to join the hundreds of VoiceThreaders who have already been certified. Unlike other edtech certifications, this course is not a rubber stamp for work you’ve already completed. Our course is designed to give you a genuine learning experience through creating, experimenting, and most of all, fun.
Whether you are a novice or advanced user, this course will help you become an expert VoiceThreader through personal guidance from the facilitator, group discussions, and hands-on activities.
You can add yourself to the wait list for the course here:
VCE Wait List
About the Course
– How much does it cost?
The registration fee is $199.
– How do I get certified?
After completing the 2 week online course, you will begin working on your capstone project. This will be a real-world project that you create with your students, colleagues, or the faculty members you train. Once your capstone project has been reviewed and approved by the VoiceThread team, you will become certified! You will receive a digital badge to display on your website or e-portfolio along with public recognition on our VoiceThread Certified Educator page.
– How many hours will it take to complete?
It depends on how familiar you are with VoiceThread, but for novice users, expect to spend 6-8 hours each week reviewing tutorials, participating in discussions, and completing short exercises.
* Note that certification is dependent on completing the post-course capstone project. You will be responsible to design, implement, and submit a real-world project for your VCE credential.
– How is the course structured?
The course is completely asynchronous, so there are no specific meeting times. It will include a live pre-course info session with Q&A, two weeks of hands-on activities, and a capstone project. The course will be hosted on Canvas and will include a series of tutorials, hands-on exercises, and discussions about lesson design, assessment design, safety and security, and more.
– What are the learning outcomes?
By the end of this course, you will have experience using every feature available to license holders, and you will be empowered to create dynamic, engaging lessons and assessments using VoiceThread.
– Is there an enrollment cap for the course?
Yes. We are capping the course enrollment at 30 participants so that we can give each educator personal feedback, guidance, and support throughout the course.
– Who is the instructor?
Our instructional designer, George Haines, will facilitate the course. George is a former K-12 teacher and higher ed instructional designer who has taught a variety of online courses.
– When does it run?
We will be offering cohorts throughout the year, but space is limited!
If you have any questions about the course that aren’t answered above, drop us a note at info@voicethread.com and we will be happy to answer them.
We look forward to working with you on your journey to becoming a VoiceThread Certified Educator!